LIT Music Awards Gold Winner - Marlon van Maastricht



Entrant Company

Marlon van Maastricht


LIT Music - Best Music Video

Client's Name

Zero Expectations

Country / Region:

United Arab Emirates

Song Synopses:
“Southways” is a song and lyric that describes that “knot in your stomach feeling” that you sometimes wake up with or that creeps up on you; telling you to run for the hills as things are about to go south, sideways, out of control, bust and/or “Tits Up”. In order words; you’re gut tells you that shit is about to hit the fan and rain down upon us with furious anger (hear that Samuel L. Jackson Voice)!

Video Synopses:
Within the above context, the video amplifies, (and ridicules to an extent), that when in doubt, or in any case for that matter; nothing is one dimensional and what it seems. Hence there is always a story behind or within a story. Part from the obvious winks, and deliberately DIY, low FPS elements within the video content ensemble, this is why there is always a several TV’s or Displays within the TV, or Frame(s) within Frame(s). The “story within the story” is a recurrent inspiration within all my songs and lyrics as every person, every moment, every chapter and book always has multiple dimensions between the lines.

Performance Description:
Southways is the 3rd collaboration between Zero Expectations and Mexican producer xKori, who produced the original and exclusive instrumental track for Zero Expectations.

Zero Expectations is the creative pseudonym of the Dubai based Dutch Singer, Songwriter & Producer Marlon van Maastricht, publishes his work under his own independent label Zero Expectations Music.

The song was recorded, mixed and mastered by Assaad Lakkis, aka Bull Funk Zoo, at Bull Funk Studios in Dubai.

Marlon directed the composition structure of the track, wrote the lyrics, did the vocals and created the music video for Southways, which form the basis for the 2022 LIT awards entry.


Instrumental Track Producer
Recording, Mixing & Masterg
Bull Funk Studios
Lyrics, Vocals & Music Video
Marlon van Maastricht aka Zero Expectations
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