Terms of Use

1. The Information We Collect and Use

The LIT Music Awards respects collected information from users at multiple points on its website. We only collect information that is essential to serve you, present your work to the jury, inform you of your winning, remind you of deadlines or to promote your winning, your company and your work to the public. Any personal information collected in forms is for our private use only. Phone numbers, mail address, and email addresses will not be sold or distributed to third parties or published online.

2. General Rules

The International Awards Associate Inc, including its owners, parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, licensors, directors, officers, managers, members, agents and employees ("International Awards Associate Inc"), requires that all visitors to its Internet sites, applicable to https://litmusicawards.com/ and related properties (together, the "Websites"), adhere to the following Terms of Use.

You communicate in and understand English, or a third-party translator have translated this agreement to you under oath and with full legal rights to translate legally binding agreements and terms of use, in a faithful and fluent way that you understood correctly.

You have read and understood this contract, in English. You agree to each and every point of this agreement and terms of use.

By accessing or using any of the Websites, you agree to be bound by these Terms of Use. If you do not agree with these Terms of Use, you should not use the Websites. In consideration of your use of any of the Websites, you represent that you are at least thirteen years old and are not a person barred from using the Websites under the laws of Malaysia.

The International Awards Associate Inc reserves the right to change these Terms of Use at its sole discretion and at any time without personal notice to you. If the International Awards Associate Inc makes a material change to these Terms of Use, the International Awards Associate Inc will update this page and post a notice on the Websites' homepages for a reasonable period of time and will indicate the effective date of the changes at the top of both pages. Your continued use of the Websites constitutes your acceptance of any changes.

We do not provide you with any legal advice or any other information or question that shall be replied by local authorities, governments or lawyers. Should you run into any legal concern while using our website, please consult to your lawyer.

You agree and acknowledge that we will use your email as the primary method for communication with you. if you did not provide us any email or if your email is no longer working, you must contact us and provide us an email address which we could contact you. Furthermore, you agree that all communications including but not limited to agreements, notices, alerts, fulfillment requests, invoices, or disclosures that we provide to you in electronic format shall satisfy any legal requirement that such communications be in writing.

3. Intellectual Property

A. Ownership; License
The International Awards Associate Inc owns, operates, licenses, controls, and provides access to the Websites. All past, present, and future information, materials, applications, software, and other contents of the Websites are the property of the International Awards Associate Inc unless otherwise noted and are protected by applicable intellectual property and other laws. All trademarks, logos, service marks, trade names, and trade dress are proprietary to the International Awards Associate Inc unless otherwise noted and are protected by applicable intellectual property and other laws. Except as expressly set forth in these Terms of Use or otherwise expressly granted to you in writing by the International Awards Associate Inc, no rights (either by implication, estoppel or otherwise) in or to any of the Websites or their contents are granted to you.

The use, copying, sale, leasing, renting, lending, distribution, modification, downloading, creating of derivative works, posting or publication by you, directly or indirectly, of any of the contents of any of the Websites, or any other use of such content, except pursuant to the express limited grant of rights hereunder, is strictly prohibited.

Subject to your compliance with these Terms of Use, the International Awards Associate Inc grants you a limited, personal, non-exclusive, non-commercial, revocable, non-assignable and non-transferable license to:

  • listen to music and view videos streamed from the Websites, and participate in the Websites' community areas;
  • create profile pages on the Websites for non-commercial and private use;
  • communicate with other members of the Websites' communities;
  • embed and display the contents of the Websites on your own personal website or other non-commercial external websites; and
  • download the contents of the Websites onto a computer for your personal, non-commercial home or archival use only, provided you do not delete or change any copyright, trademark, or other proprietary notices contained therein.

Once you sign up and submit your entry, we reserve the right not to remove your content, including but not limited to your data, images, description, all content you had uploaded previously, or intellectual property even if you remove your account. You also acknowledge that International Awards Associate Inc reserves the right to publish and publicize your content without implementing any Digital Rights Management Mechanism, without asking your permission, without informing you, and without any obligations towards you, regardless of your entrant or clients’ intellectual property.

If you provide us any feedback or suggestions in regards to International Awards Associate Inc, then we may use such information without any obligation to you: we can for instance, use your suggestions to develop new service or products without granting you a payment nor compensation to you at all. You agree and acknowledge any intellectual properties you might have about your idea to International Awards Associate Inc and without any restrictions or limitations, you would be granting us an irrevocable, perpetual, unlimited, non-exclusive, royalty-free, transferable, sub-licensable (as many levels as required; such as sub-sub licensable, sub-sub-sub licensable etc.), and worldwide license to use your idea, without even crediting you as the inventor.

B. User Uploaded Information
The Websites may allow you to upload or submit information, software, text, images, audio, video, and other materials to, through or on the Websites ("User Uploaded Information"). For example, the Websites may offer forums, bulletin boards, wikis, chat rooms, blogs or other interactive areas. International Awards Associate Inc does not endorse any User Uploaded Information and your use of any User Uploaded Information is at your own risk. The International Awards Associate Inc reserves the right, to delete, move or edit User Uploaded Information, in whole or in part, for any reason in its sole discretion. The International Awards Associate Inc undertakes no obligation to pre-screen User Uploaded Information, but may, in its sole discretion, monitor, modify, transmit over various networks, refuse, limit, move, block access to or remove any User Uploaded Information. You agree not to accept payment for User Uploaded Information from any third party, including, without limitation, accepting payment for the inclusion of a logo, brand advertising or other commercial content, in User Uploaded Information.

You are solely responsible for all User Uploaded Information that you make available via any of the Websites. Under no circumstances will the International Awards Associate Inc be liable to you in any way for any User Uploaded Information that you upload, post, or otherwise make available via any of the Websites including, but not limited to, any errors or omissions in User Uploaded Information, or for any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of User Uploaded Information.

When you upload User Uploaded Information via the Websites, you grant to the International Awards Associate Inc, without any credit or compensation to you, a royalty-free, non-exclusive, worldwide, perpetual, unrestricted, irrevocable, displayable, and export any User Uploaded Information, in whole or in part, or to incorporate it in other works in any form, media, software or technology of any kind for any purposes whatsoever.

C. Copyright
The International Awards Associate Inc reserves the right to remove any content contained in or posted to the Websites that allegedly infringes another person's copyright.

LIT Music Awards assumes all entries are original and the entrant either owns the submission or has permission from a client or other appropriate party to enter the work, with all rights granted therein. In the event that an entrant without such rights submits a site, the entrant will not be eligible for the competition. The LIT Music Awards are not liable for any copyright infringement on the part of the entrant. Submission of any entry acknowledges the right of The LIT Music Awards to use it for exhibition and publication in any medium. This includes, but is not limited to, LIT Music Awards entries being posted to our applicable public voting section of our website.

Copyright and all other rights remain that of the entrant. All entrants understand and agree that any work submitted to the competition may be used by the LIT Music Awards and its media partners for marketing and promotional purposes of the competition only, including in any media such as exhibitions, print and digital media directly related to the LIT Music Awards competition.

4. User Accounts, Additional Terms, End User License Agreements & Subscriptions

The creation of a user account may be required for the use of certain portions of the Websites (e.g., e-mail, newsletters, competitions, forums, content downloads, promotions, etc.), and certain contents and services of the Websites may only be accessed through purchase or paid subscription. In some instances, special terms and/or end user license agreements apply to some services, products, software, competitions or promotions offered via the Websites. Such terms are posted in connection with the applicable service, product, software, competition or promotion and are in addition to these Terms of Use. In the event of a conflict, the additional terms prevail over these Terms of Use. International Awards Associate Inc may change, suspend or discontinue any aspect of the Websites at any time and without prior notice.

You agree that any information that you provide to the Websites shall be true and accurate and current, and you are responsible for updating such information to keep it true, accurate and current. If you create a user account with any of the Websites, you accept responsibility for all activities that occur under your account or password and you agree you will not sell, transfer or assign your user account. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password, if any, and for restricting access to your computer so that others may not access any password-protected portion of the Websites using your name, username or password in whole or in part. Personally identifiable information that may be received at the Websites is provided voluntarily by a visitor to any of the Websites and is governed by the terms of our Privacy Policy.

5. Restrictions on Use

The Websites are provided for lawful purposes only. By accessing or using the Websites, you agree and warrant that in connection with your use of the Websites you will not:

  • alter any trademark, copyright and other proprietary or legal notices contained in the Websites; or
  • manipulate the Websites in any way not intended and directed by International Awards Associate Inc; or
  • copy or seek to copy or "rip" any audio and/or audiovisual content from the Websites; or
  • exploit any part of the Websites for commercial gain or undertake any commercial activity utilizing the contents of the Websites without the prior written consent of the International Awards Associate Inc, including, for example, inserting your own or a third party's advertising, branding or promotional content into any of the Websites' contents, materials or services; or
  • upload, post, e-mail, transmit, display, copy, distribute, promote, or otherwise communicate to the public:
    • any material that is false, unlawful, threatening, tortious, disparaging, abusive, libelous, defamatory, obscene, vulgar, offensive, pornographic, profane, racist, sexually explicit, ethnically or culturally offensive, indecent, harassing, or that promotes violence, racial hatred, terrorism, or illegal acts, or anything that in International Awards Associate Inc's sole discretion is otherwise objectionable; or
    • information, software, content or other material that violates, plagiarizes, misappropriates or infringes the rights of third parties including, without limitation, copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret, rights of privacy or publicity, confidential information or any other proprietary right; or
    • material of any kind that restricts or inhibits any other user's uninhibited use and enjoyment of the Websites or interferes with, overburdens, impairs or disrupts the Websites, including material that contains a virus, Trojan horse, time bomb, worm, spyware, adware, malware, bot, any automated system, such as scripts, or any other harmful component; or
    • any unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, promotional materials, junk mail, spam, chain letters, pyramid schemes, requests for money, petitions for signature, or any other form of solicitation; or
  • use or attempt to use another person's information, account, password, service or system except as expressly permitted; or
  • impersonate another person or entity; or
  • engage in any conduct that in the International Awards Associate Inc's sole discretion restricts the ability of any other person to enjoy the use of any of the Websites; or
  • solicit or collect personal data including telephone numbers, addresses, last names, email addresses, or any other kind of information about users.
  • If you threaten or blackmail us, we can terminate without prior notification, alert, or communication your account without any obligation towards you, at any time. In addition, we could also add your name and your personal identification to a publicly accessible blacklist at our sole discretion. With that, you agree and acknowledge such risk and you will withhold us from harm or damages and be fully liable for such results if this happens.

6. Termination

You may terminate your account by submitting a termination request to the International Awards Associate Inc. The International Awards Associate Inc reserves the right to restrict, suspend, deny or terminate access to all or part of any of the Websites, and to deny access to any person in its sole discretion without notice or liability of any kind. Any violation of these Terms of Use may be referred to law enforcement authorities.

7. Third Party Content and Linked Sites

Third parties provide some of the contents of the Websites. The International Awards Associate Inc makes no representations or warranties as to the completeness, accuracy, adequacy, currency or reliability of any content supplied by third parties and will not be liable for any lack of the foregoing.

In addition, third parties may offer goods, services, and other materials to you on the Websites. Such dealings are solely between you and the third party. The International Awards Associate Inc will not be responsible for any loss or damage of any sort incurred as the result of any such dealings. Under certain circumstances, the International Awards Associate Inc may permit third-party users to upload content, in which event you, at your own risk, may be exposed to offensive, indecent or objectionable content. Descriptions of, or references to products, services or publications within the Websites do not imply endorsement by the International Awards Associate Inc of that product, service or publication.

The Websites may include links to other sites that are not maintained by the International Awards Associate Inc. The International Awards Associate Inc is not responsible for the content of those sites, does not endorse those sites, and makes no representations whatsoever concerning the content or accuracy of such other sites. If you decide to access any third-party site linked to the Websites, you do so entirely at your own risk, and you may be exposed to offensive, indecent or objectionable content. The International Awards Associate Inc shall have no liability for any loss or damage arising from your use of any such site.

8. Disclaimer; Restriction of Liability

The Websites and their contents are provided "as is" and "as available." To the fullest extent permissible by applicable law, the International Awards Associate Inc disclaims all warranties of any kind either expressed or implied, including any warranties of merchantability, noninfringement, and fitness for a particular purpose.

The International Awards Associate Inc will not be liable for any damages or injury caused by any use of the Websites or any materials or software, including but not limited to, any failure of performance, error, omission, interruption, delay in operation or transmission, computer virus, or line failure due to, arising out of or otherwise attributable to the use of the Websites. The International Awards Associate Inc will not be liable for any damages or injury, including but not limited to, any special, direct, indirect, incidental, exemplary, economic, punitive, or consequential damages that are directly or indirectly related to

  • the Websites or User Uploaded Information;
  • the use of, inability to use, or performance of the Websites or any of the contents or features thereon;
  • any action taken in connection with an investigation by the International Awards Associate Inc or law enforcement authorities regarding your use of the Websites or the contents thereof;
  • any action taken by or in connection with copyright owners;
  • any errors or omissions in the Websites' technical operation, whether in an action of contract, negligence, strict liability tort (including, without limitation, whether caused in whole or in part by negligence, acts of God, telecommunications failure, or theft or destruction of the Websites).

In case International Awards Associate Inc’s database is hacked or breached, including but not limited to hacks by governments, competitors, professional hackers or simply talented young people, you agree not to take any legal action and measures against us. You agree and understand that there is always a cybercrime risk that we cannot foresee, control or avoid, and you agree to withhold us from any harm or damages that you or your clients or the entities you represent would incur due to your interaction with International Awards Associate Inc.

9. Jurisdiction

The International Awards Associate Inc controls and operates the Websites and makes no representation that the contents of the Websites are appropriate or available for use outside of the Malaysia. If you use any of the Websites from a location outside the Malaysia, you are responsible for compliance with applicable Malaysia and local laws, including export and import laws.

10. Return, Refund, and Chargeback Policy

You agree to our “Returns, Refunds and Chargeback Policy” which shall be considered as an addendum to this agreement and you agree that you read, understand and accept it fully as is. You are bound by our Returns, Refunds and Chargeback Policy which is a binding extension to this agreement. By agreeing to LIT Music Awards' Terms and Conditions you also agree to our “Returns, Refunds and Chargeback Policy” which shall be considered as an addendum to this agreement.

  • All purchases made through International Awards Associate Inc & its competition are final and there are no refunds or returns.
  • We would like to clearly and explicitly state that, we will absolutely not refund any fees and payments. We do not issue refunds regarding nominations especially after results announcement.
  • Entrants cannot allow children or other unauthorized family members or friends to access their credit cards or their account at the payment site to ensure that no one pays for a purchase without their express permission. You agree and acknowledge that we will not be refunding the amount that was accidentally paid due to your negligence.
  • Entrants cannot request a refund because their entries were not declared as the winner of the awards that the entrants or clients participated in.
  • You cannot request a refund after once you have made payments to enter the awards and also after the results are announced.
  • Unless otherwise warranted by the Seller, the return fee is always paid by the Buyer.
  • If the Buyer is returning an item that is not as described, that does not comply with contract, if the product does not work, or if the product is not suitable for its intended function, then the return fee is always paid by the Seller.
  • In case if a shipment is lost, and if you did not use tracking, there will not be any return taking place and you will not be eligible for any refunds. You should understand, agree and assume full liability if any item from original shipment is missing, when original shipment pieces are missing, you might lose your eligibility for refunds or you might get partial refunds, decision made at the sole discretion of International Awards Associate Inc.
  • If we determine that you are misusing refunds and return policies against good faith such as excessive returns, damaging items in order to refund them as damaged, making false statements about product conditions and communicating inaccurate reasons for returns or similar, we might limit, suspend or terminate your account, and we also reserve right to communicate your personal information to any Sellers or Buyers you might have harmed.
  • You are solely responsible for accepting and processing returns of your products and services; International Awards Associate Inc does not have any responsibility or obligation for processing such returns and you are liable for any refunds or returns that you do not make.
  • You agree and understand that there will be no refunds for products that were not return in its original condition, including but not limited to the original packages, documents, invoice, receipts, and everything that was in the packages when you first received them.
  • International Awards Associate Inc is not reliable for any products that entrants purchased for their clients and vice versa. Hence, there will be no return or refund if the products does not satisfy both parties.
In case if there is any refund, you agree that we could ask but not obliged to ask you to pay us a minimum of $50 for each refund, reversals via payment processors, chargeback request or disputes you make or create that is outside of International Awards Associate Inc; this especially relates to chargeback fraud; i.e. when you make a chargeback request but not letting us and Seller know about your refund, reversals via payment processors, chargeback request or disputes resulting in or expected to result in reversal of transaction fees before an order is fulfilled or shipped. You agree that you will pay us $50 for each Chargeback fraud you committed; we especially set the minimum of $50 as fine for Chargeback fraud you might commit to make it financially feasible for us to sue you in court.

In case of any pricing errors while purchasing our products and services, International Awards Associate Inc reserves the right to cancel any orders including but not limited to confirmed, processed, and paid orders at any time without any obligation to you. Your sole remedy in these situations, as a buyer would be a refund to your credit card or payment method and we further reserve the right to add such credits balance to your account balance at International Awards Associate Inc.

11. Miscellaneous

If any part of these Terms of Use is declared unlawful, void, or unenforceable, that part will be deemed severable and will not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions.

These Terms of Use and any applicable end user license or similar agreements contain the entire agreement between the parties relating to the Websites. Nothing in these Terms of Use is intended to confer on any third party any benefit or any right under any legislation in any country to enforce the provisions of these Terms of Use.