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This project occurred over the COVID-19 pandemic and was completed during the Winter 2021 quarter. The orchestra recording took place on Monday, February 23 at Meany Center for the Performing Arts. The choir rehearsed one day a week using the ZOOM communication platform and recorded their tracks individually from home. The video you see of the singers was taken after the initial recording when Seattle was in Phase III of the COVID-19 reopening plan. All in-person gatherings you see in this video were in full compliance of CDC, national, state, and institutional COVID-19 guidelines.
"We are inspired and proud of our students who have heroically worked through this year of pandemic to continue to grow and create beauty. Even as this year has been challenging for all of us, we turn our thoughts to those who have struggled the most, those who have lost their battle with this dreaded disease, and their loved ones. Beethoven penned this elegy in honor of loved ones he had lost. We, UW School of Music students and faculty, offer this elegy for those who have borne pain and loss during this pandemic."
-Geoffrey Boers and David A. Rahbee
LIT Music - Best Inspirational Music
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LIT Music - Best Sound Mixer
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Denise Fink
LIT Instrumentalists - Best Classical Harpists
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