LIT Music Awards Platinum Winner - Marlon van Maastricht


"Rigged Games"

Entrant Company

Marlon van Maastricht


LIT Songwriting - Best Songwriter

Client's Name

Zero Expectations

Country / Region:

United Arab Emirates

Rigged Games by Dubai based Zero Expectations is a Progressive Metal / Hardrock Song, produced by London based Tom Bailey Music and recorded, mixed and mastered by Bull Funk Zoo at Bull Funk Studios.

It's a track reminiscing and honoring the likes and era of Black Sabbath, Mötorhead and Mötley Crüe in terms of production, sound and studio work and Ozzy, Lemmy and Vince vocally, to the best of Marlon's range and abilities. Rigged Games aims to create a stadium headbangers anthem with mosh-pit energy, and lyrics and vocals that resonate, stick in your head and subconsciously drive a crowd to chant and bounce.

The accompanying video supports that vibe by cartoonifying music and live audience footage in choruses and "Rigged Games" in the verses. The video is deliberately cartoonified in Red, Yellow & Blue which switches palettes on the rhythm of the music and the structure of the song. This creates an additional visual narrative that adds to the energy and tempo of the song.


Composition, Lyrics & Vocals and Video Production
Marlon van Maastricht aka Zero Expectations
Composition & Music Production
Tom Bailey Music
Recording, Mixing & Mastering
Assaad Lakkis aka Bull Funk Zoo at Bull Funk Studio
LIT Talent Awards - The Suite - Lowell Chamber Orchestra

Entrant Company

Orlando Cela

LIT Talent Awards Winner


LIT Instrumentalists - Best Instrumental Album

Country / Region

United States

LIT Talent Awards -
Zero Expectations

Entrant Company

Marlon van Maastricht

LIT Talent Awards Winner


LIT Songwriting - Metal/Hardcore

Country / Region

United Arab Emirates

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Meg Pfeiffer & Luca Stricagnoli

Entrant Company


LIT Talent Awards Winner


LIT Music - Best Acoustic

Country / Region

United States

LIT Talent Awards - The Suite - Lowell Chamber Orchestra

Entrant Company

Orlando Cela

LIT Talent Awards Winner


LIT Instrumentalists - Best Conductor

Country / Region

United States