LIT Music Awards Platinum Winner - Milli Janatková


Quiet, Please!

Entrant Company

Milli Janatková


LIT Music - Best Inspirational Music

Client's Name

Milli Janatková

Country / Region:

Czech Republic

The Quiet, Please! project began in 2014, when I found myself in a crisis. Originally, the album was supposed to continue my debut Transformation (2013), but life took a different path. I was able to complete the project after seven years, following an honest search and the finding of family and cultural origins in my projects To My Roots (2017) and Deep (2020).

Through these experiences, I’ve found stability and peace that were only achievable through the health challenges I experienced, sense of humor and the decision to actually want to solve my problems. In one period, I’d had so many problems that they composed themselves into an audiovisual whole. This is why the graphic ‘milliatures’ and songs for body and soul were created.

The Respiratory song deals with breathing problems, while Aural was created based on a serious tinnitus, Thyroid came from my treatment of thyroid illness. Cardiac reflects my experiences with dysfunctional heart rhythms and Hormonal sings about disorders caused by hormonal imbalances. Spinal captures my experiences with severe spinal scoliosis, Ocular reflects the agony of eye migraines. The Anti-Anxiety song expresses hope after healing anxietal conditions and panic attacks. Gallbladderless recalls the period after an emergency operation, while Calming tells the story of how I learned patience and rest in the hospital. The Cerebral song found its inspiration in the magnetic resonance examination during an acute viral encephalitis. The album ends with the Balanced song, expressing the journey from insomnia, anxiety and depression to life balance and personal integrity.

This challenging, yet exceptionally enriching journey provided me with gratitude for every day of peace and health. The states of hopelessness and desperation I experienced years ago brought me both self-esteem and an awareness of my self-worth. Fear transformed into trust and clearer boundaries. These experiences brought me to an awareness of our ultimate death but also taught me to take responsibility for my own body and mind. I continue creating with these responsibilities, remaining aware of the need to protect the environment, life and health worldwide.


music, lyrics, vocals, guitar, drums, percussion, sound, productions
Milli Janatková
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