LIT Music Awards Platinum Winner - Axis Studios


Soar | A Flame Reborn

Entrant Company

Axis Studios


LIT Music Video - Best Animation Music Video

Client's Name

AFK Arena

Country / Region:

United Kingdom

Directed by Marc & Denis Bouyer, Axis Studios created the cinematic music video Soar: A Flame Reborn. Developed with Lilith Games, the music video introduces new characters into the world of the classic mobile RPG, AFK Arena.

A story of good overcoming evil, the cinematic piece uses dramatic storytelling and detailed character design to build upon what audiences know about the mobile game. Follow Talene as she meets infant Wilder Sprite Ashtar, who helps to awaken something much more extraordinary in her.

The game has always championed artistry and stunning worldbuilding, so it was the perfect partnership to build on our team’s existing talents in stylised productions. More than this, with the game being downloaded over 35 million times, collaborating with Lilith to show the audience both new environments and characters in a refreshing light was something we thrived on. Eighty shots of stunning magic and fantasy animation were delivered, staying true to the game’s 2D nature, whilst also pushing to create a refined expressive aesthetic.


Director / Axis Studios
Marc Bouyer
Director / Axis Studios
Denis Bouyer
Producer / Axis Studios
Sean Kelly
CG Supervisor / Axis Studios
Jonathan Blair
CG Supervisor / Axis Studios
Philipp Buschauer
Art Director / Axis Studios
Jake Gumbleton
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