LIT Music Awards Gold Winner - Marlon van Maastricht


"Come Back" ft Katty Gold

Entrant Company

Marlon van Maastricht


LIT Music - Best Singer & Songwriter

Client's Name

Zero Expectations

Country / Region:

United Arab Emirates

Song Synopses:
“Come Back” is partly autobiographic in the sense that it describes my unquenchable explorative thirst. I’m not one that can sit still for a very long time. Always on the move and always, almost nomadically searching for new grounds. Physically, professionally, and also, perhaps at the underlying foundation of it all on a deeper level; forever a student, hungry to learn, fail and grow forward.

The song and lyrics also include an inner and external dialogue around the flipside of that infinite quest. The realization that my ventures mean nothing without the anchor that is home, where the heart and the battery charger to my soul are. With my wife, my friends and family, my pets and the place where I check back in, and sometimes need to be reminded to take a step back, relax, savor, appreciate and recharge before chasing the next butterfly.

Video Synopses:
The video is a collection of stock footage that are sequenced and composed around the songs narrative, message and vibe. With different characters, scenarios, and themes. But always with the reminder to keep dancing through life., no matter who or where you are.

Performance Description:
Zero Expectations is the creative pseudonym of the Dubai based Dutch Singer, Songwriter & Producer Marlon van Maastricht (aka T-Rexx in this track), who publishes his work under his own independent label Zero Expectations Music. He collaborated with various international producers to create tracks to suit his multi genre taste and appetite to continuously challenge himself through the art and endless different ways of playing with the composition of poetry, music and visuals to express feelings, thoughts, perceptions with the intent to journal, journey and evolve.

The song “Come Back” song was recorded, mixed and mastered by Dr. Neo at Studio 9 in Dubai.

Marlon directed the composition structure of the eN2 produced track, wrote the lyrics, sang the vocals, ft. Katty Gold and created the music video for Southways, which form the basis for the 2022 LIT awards entry.


Lyrics, Vocals & Music Video
Marlon van Maastricht aka Zero Expectations aka T-Rexx
Music Track Production
Vocal Feature
Katty Gold
Recording, Mixing & Mastering
Studio 9
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Zero Expectations

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LIT Songwriting - Best Songwriting

Country / Region

United Arab Emirates