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The lyrics of One Last Time pretty much speak for themselves: “Carpe Freakin’ Diem”!
If Covid and life experience(s) have taught anything some may or may not already know, is that the only certainty in life, is that nobody lives forever.
On that premise: Flip that Bird high up into the sky, hop on that board and ride that wave, jump on that bike to ride off into the sunset or pick up that bat to knock one out of the park as if you only had “One Last Time”
Performance Description:
One Last Time is the 1st collaboration between Zero Expectations and Mexican producer xKori, who produced the original and exclusive instrumental track for Zero Expectations.
Zero Expectations is the creative pseudonym of the Dubai based Dutch Singer, Songwriter & Producer Marlon van Maastricht, who publishing his work under his own independent label Zero Expectations Music.
The song was recorded, mixed and mastered by Assaad Lakkis, aka Bull Funk Zoo, at Bull Funk Studios in Dubai.
Marlon directed the composition structure of the track, wrote the lyrics, did the vocals and created the music video for One Last Time, which form the basis for the 2022 LIT awards entry.
Entrant Company
Russ Hewitt
LIT Instrumentalists - Best Instrumental Song
Country / Region
United States
LIT Music - Best Singer & Songwriter
Country / Region
United Arab Emirates
Entrant Company
Who's Your Daddy, Inc.
LIT Music - Best Fusion Music
Country / Region
United States
LIT Songwriting - Best Songwriting
Country / Region
United Arab Emirates