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The true definition of life is when you are living it to the fullest. Not following the routine and doing things out of the box adds the real essence to life.
Keilley Lee Marques, a former volleyball player, has never chosen to live a life that limits her wings. Looking at her career records, one can easily figure out how flexible she has been throughout her work life. Sticking to one single job or career line has never been enough for her. Spreading her wings out and flying in the clear blue sky every day was the sole motive of her life.
“We must shake down our fears & never think twice about doing something new that will put you in a new situation,” says Keilley Lee Marques. Her energy, complimented by the optimism, does not stop her from trying or doing something new. Challenges in life help in bringing the best of oneself. Keilley’s life is so inspiring that it generates a sense of empowerment among women and tells them that a person can do everything. Pushing your limits and testing your capacity will only make you stronger with time.
LIT Music Video - Best Low Budget Music Video
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United Arab Emirates
LIT Songwriting - Best Songwriter
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LIT Music - Best Singer & Songwriter
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United Arab Emirates
Entrant Company
Andrea Montalbano
LIT Music - Best Christmas Music
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