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Palo de Agua is a song recorded in a live session produced by a award winning Colombian production company called "Duck Sessions" in the mountains of TENJO, a small town near Bogota Colombia. The song is a mix Rock, Reggae and Sangueo. (THE SANGUEO. It is an Afro-Venezuelan musical genre in which people venerate "St. John the Baptist" with colorful scarves and flags. The societies that are responsible for celebrating it are called: "Brotherhoods or "societies to St. John the Baptist") The rhythm is originally from the state of Aragua in Venezuela where our singer is originally from. the hardest part of this songwriting was the ability of not loosing each rhythms essence. The song is part of the upcoming album "el Rock del Caribe" (The Caribean Rock) as it was writing while the band was in Cartagena, Colombia. which is in the southern Caribbean.
Entrant Company
Marius Noss Gundersen
Instrumentals Performance - Best Performer
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Instrumentals Performance - Synthesizer
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United States
Songwriting - Inspirational
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United States
Entrant Company
Lia Scallon
Singing Performance - New Age
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