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We are a New Group. Three Tenors and a Soprano singing the worlds most beloved music. From Italian operas' Nessus Dorma, , to popular Spanish song,La Paloma, and Classic Broadway Music "Don't Cry for me Argentina, and the inspirational "You'll Never Walk Alone"
We created visual backdrop images to complement each song, and add a unique experience for the audience.
The concert is choreographed with a staircase center stage to highlight the singers. The set was designed and built as a tiered platform so the orchestra is a part of the visual affect on multiple levels.
Each performer has a full body of professional work behind them. Glory Crampton has performed globally and as soloist to THE THREE TENORS; jose carreras at Radio City Music Hall. Daniel Montenegro performs in Operas Globally and has performed with Placid Domingo, Nicholas Rodriquez starred in several Broadway musicals including TARZAN, Marc Devigne was a finalist of Canadian Idol and Canadian Voice.
We would like to inspire people Globally with our Concert.
Thank you.
Entrant Company
Orlando Cela
LIT Instrumentalists - Best Duo Instrumentalists
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Entrant Company
Kimberly StarKey - The Rogue Pianist
LIT Music - Best Original Composition
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Entrant Company
Justin Man
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United Kingdom